The Present

What is your favorite place to go in your city?

The past can only be remembered. The present can only be experienced. The future has to be crafted- Sadhguru

Where ever in the world we may reside or prefer to be we cannot experience it unless we are in the present moment. Hence, our favorite place to be should be the present moment. As humans we are constantly ruminating on past incidences or planning amd predicting future occurrences. However, in the bargain we take the present for granted. The mental pendulum moving to and fro from past to future leads to insecurities, anxieties and mental disturbance. We are so deeply rooted in the past and future that we miss out on the here and now… the present moment which is rapidly becoming the past.

One moment earlier is already the past and this moment right now is soon getting there. Before it gets there let’s learn to experience it right here right now. Let’s be fully aware of this present moment and have a deep sense of gratitude towards it. Let’s experience it to the fullest and be grateful for having a chance to experience the same.

As we speak there are so many people leaving this world yet not knowing that the next moment was not in their destiny. Hence enjoy and experience the miracle that is life right now and here. Because who knows the next moment may or may not be included in our fate.

Hence when we realise that our moments on earth are numbered where is the time to wollow in sorrow and self pity or ponder over someone’s hurtful actions? Let’s just let go and live the moment right now before it disappears into the alluring past… never to return.

Image from google

Jallianwala Bagh

13 April 1919

A black day in Indian history

Silent protestors men, women, children

Massacred mercilessly

Around 1500 killed and injured in a closed courtyard

Colonel Dyer, the butcher of Amritsar

Opened fire with his battalion

Not one spared or fled

The walls still bear evidence

To this brutal act

But the most painful of all is that

The victims were Indians and so were the hands that fired

It’s time to take a learning from history

Be united against divisive forces

As with all our differences and skills

We make a formidable force

And let’s promise ourselves

Never ever again to allow

A repeat of Jallianwala Bagh tragedy

and the horrors of history

Jai Hind!

Image from google

The bigger picture

Judge not by what you see

There is a bigger picture just around it!

What seams real may not be true

You are just a piece of a

cosmic puzzle around you!

You may be a big man in your community

But just a micro spec in the cosmic constituency

So keep your ego low and heart big

Judge not by what you see

There is a bigger picture just around it!

#Puzzle This

#Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie’, ‘Saturday Mix’

Users Manual

What book are you reading right now?

The greatest technology on this planet is human mechanism but most people are yet to read the users manual.

—Sadhguru (founder of Isha Yoga foundation)

Unless we learn to read ourselves we do not realise the immense potential we hold. We need to learn to read our thoughts and actions and which direction it’s taking us and it’s repercussions. We need to analyse our behaviour and understand why we do what we do.

The human body is a miracle in itself. Who can explain why breath is the most important aspect for survival or how does food become energy source or why do we not remember all the days we live? Why do we react to situations the way we do?

So before we venture digging up graves for other people let us learn to have a sneak peek within ourselves. Let us try to unravel the mystery we are. Only when we realise and understand ourselves we can explore the deeper dimensions we possess. We can try to understand what are the reasons for our preferences and aversions, for love and reactions, and thus realise that we are beyond what we think we are. We are much more than the mundane activities and actions that we perform.

We are a vibrant and exuberant life… a life where happiness and satisfaction reside. A heaven of grace and peace.

Image from google

To a Brighter Future

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

ने मजसी ने परत मातृभूमीला सागरा प्राण तळमळला

O ocean take me back to my motherland, my soul is in pain.

This is a line from a very heart wrenching emotional marathi poem written by freedom fighter Shri Veer Sawarkar while in captivity which still brings tears to one’s eyes.

Such was the love for motherland of our ancestors and freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Sardar Patel, Tilak and many many more that they have borne unimaginable torture and sacrificed their lives for the glory of this country.

As rightful successors of the land we need to carry on their legacy. We need to contribute to the development of the country in whatever miniscule way possible so that our future generations can lead a better life than us. We need to impart the knowledge and cultural values to the next of kin. We are a country in which almost every individual is multilingual, is capable of multi-tasking and creating opportunities and the masters of ‘jugaad’. We should be able to pass on these skills to our children and not lose them in the name of development. Our traditions are unique and our own which can only be transmitted by us to our children, if not it will be lost forever.

Hence as children of the land and as service to our motherland we should be proud of our rich cultural heritage and wherever in the world we choose to be we need to strive to make this world better and more hospitable.

The next generation will remember us by the legacy we leave for them. Hence it’s time to choose wisely. Let’s vow to make the future brighter and better.

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Time Lapse

The path long and tedious

Miles to go before reaching the destination

Our troubles and worries

All huge and heavy

Dragging us down throughout the journey

In the blink of a second

Time elapses

A tiny girl transforms to an old woman

But her path still long and tedious

Her baggage still huge and heavy

Her troubles and worries

Still dragging her down

Her life still struggling

Her existence still striving

For a glimpse of the destination

In her destiny

In response to #whatdoyousee


What part of your routine do you always try to skip if you can?

First to rise and last to bed

One wonders what does she do in between?

Her time is just spent in doing small nothings

Just cooking and cleaning and laundry

And rest of the day…what does she do?

She is the one who ensures meals are served on time 3 times a day and snacks in between

She is the one who ensures your tiffin is ready before you

She ensures that all missing items are found

She ensures that kids are well taken care of

Fed,nourished,draped,schooled and cultured

And yet her time is spent in doing small nothings

The house is spic and span not a spot escapes her eye

Scrubbed with all her might never to be found

She is the one who ensures that the curtains are washed and bedsheets changed

She will be after your life to repair the leaking faucet or replace the burnt fuse

You may argue it’s irritating but that is what makes your house comfortable

To dine, relax and unwind

Her home is her sanctuary, her safe space

She decorates and nourishes it and all its members with untiring efficiency and love

It is her touch that makes a house a home

No activities she can afford to skip

As procrastination adds to her next days pile of work heap

Her timetable is set as she goes about her day with zest

From dawn to dusk..Doing small nothings…

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A Blessing

Guru Govind do Khade
Khake Laago pai
Balihaari guru Aapni
Jin Govin Diyo battha

Both Guru and Govind (God) are present
Who shall I bow down to?
I will choose to bow down to my Guru
Who helped me realize God

Source isha yoga website

Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met?

My Guru. Guru is the person who teaches you the way of living life in a spiritual way. He guides and nurtures you at every step. You may not see him but he is always with you.

Spiritual Teacher is the one who makes you realise your good, bad and ugly qualities and guides you on the path of righteousness and inner well being.

He may guide you in many forms like your parents, colleagues or even strangers imparting life lessons, sum total of which makes our life. His presence makes you feel loved and cared for. This gives you confidence and motivation to overcome obstacles and chart your path on the tapestry of life.

In vedantic teachings a spiritual teacher is given a position equal to if not higher than God himself and rightly so, as only a teacher can open the doors to knowledge of the ultimate consciousness. He alone can help you to find yourself and experience the divinity within all living beings.

Meeting your spiritual guru is a blessing and I wish all of you a blessed life.

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A part of Universal Joy

The one who loves all intensely
begins perceiving in all living beings
a part of himself.
He becomes a lover of all,
A part and parcel of the Universal Joy.
He flows with the stream of happiness,
and is enriched by each soul.
–Yajur Veda (Source)

What is good about having a pet?

Love is our true nature and caring for animals and plants is proof to that effect. By nurturing our pets and plants we understand that life is important and precious.

Hence, when we are capable of being so loving to plants and animals too why do we resort to violence and destruction of nature. Why do we allow our negative qualities to over power good ones? Why do we love some and hate the other?

Being humans we understand that the ecosystem of this planet is interdependent on each other. Trees purify our air so that we may have clean air to purify our blood through the lungs. So in this sense it may be thought of an extension of our respiratory process. Same is with the digestive system, as plants and animals provide the food necessary for our survival. So is it right to destroy a part of our self in the garb of development and prosperity?

Just as we would go to any extent to protect our pets let’s start protecting our environment too. If not for our selves atleast for the future generations. Let them know what is fresh air, how fishes look and see that the sky is blue, as at the rate we are headed the day is not far away where we need respirators on a daily basis, all lifeforms may be extinct and the sky may forever be smoggy.

Let’s love all living beings and become a part of the universal joy

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Inner Peace

Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car).

“Inner peace is beyond victory or defeat ” -Bhagwat Gita

Although inner peace may not be purchased nevertheless it is the most expensive item that deludes everyone.

Lack of it leads to restlessness, greediness, selfishness and various kinds of mental and physical problems and instability. Moreover not only does it affect the life of the person but every one who interacts with him in some way or the other.

Inner peace brings satisfaction, gratitude and happiness is life that is unparalleled by any other gift that can be purchased. It costs us nothing yet is attained by a few. It has no prerequisites or preference and is available to the wealthy and poor alike, yet we hardly tend to persue it’s acquisition.

We imagine happiness to be a rosy horizon beyond our reach but attempts on our end to achieve it are always lacking.

The ones who have got there are unable to explain the experience whereas the ones not able to reach it label it a delusion.

However,delusion or not, Inner peace cannot be bought with all the money in the world and nor can it be sustained without continuous efforts by the concerned individual.

Yet it is the most personal and gratifying gift we can gift ourselves. Inner peace and happiness go hand in hand and make life a fulfilling experience.

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