Light and Shadows

Light and shadows
Cover illusions and reality
Happiness and grief
Covering the life's journey

Truth and untruth
For us to judge
And recieving the fruits
Of the options taken

Passage of time
Yet ever new
Birth and death
Embedded in it too

And every moment
Lived in ignorance or knowledge
Uncovering truths and illusions
The play of light and shadows
In the journey from birth to death forever...

In response to WDYS #230

Image credit: Nickola Johnny Mirkovic @ Unsplash

The Path Uphill

Only a pair of feet
Climbing the snowy mountain peaks
Similar to the life one must lead
Walking the path alone
Till destiny is reached

Ofcourse the path is riddled with threats
But also cosy tracks
You may find a company or two
But your life is to be crafted only by you

Overcoming fears and challenges
Making friends and finding love
Yet moving ahead always
Your eyes on the destiny far ahead

Seeking grace, building your thrill
Moving with confidence uphill
Knowing the path isn't easy
Yet taking the steps necessary

Walking up the mountain hill
Carrying with you the learnings of the journey
Hoping the turmoil ends soon
Yet enjoying the scenary

Walking the path
Full of fulfilment and gratitude
A thrill for the unseen
And a prayer of hope,love and blessing.

In response to WDYS#226

Image credit; Moostapper @ Pixabay

Musings of a Seeker

I am not the relationships I have
Nor the professional bonds incurred

I am not the storehouse of information gathered
Or the knowledge imparter

I am not the action nor the doer
Also not the recepient of reactions

I am not a name or a word
Neither a feeling or emotion
Not even the intelligence or the ego

I know I do not feel myself Ageing
Also, I know a part of me is a witness to my doings

I hear myself guiding me silently
Resonating with the needy
And feeling guilty at wrong doings

Yet I seem unable to fathom or
Grasp at the unseen identity within
What that is not my body and mind
Unchanging and ever still

The search for the truth of existence involves losing your identity and everything associated with it including the body and mind, leading finally to a question that is profound and earth shattering, who am I actually?

In response to RXC#318

Image source

I Dream

I dream ...
About a house near the ocean
The serene nature
And its constant hum of waves clashing, I dream

Forgetting myself amidst the sea
Becoming one with the depths within
Following my heart to its core
The silent stillness deep within.. I dream

Dark, yet vibrant with living beings
A sense of calmness amidst the buzz of activity
An ecosystem of its own making
Providing a peek into eternity...
I dream

One day to find the vibrancy of the sea
Yet feel the calmness deep within
Bearing witness to all the activity
A part of everything yet untarnished by it...

in response to WDYS#225

Image credit; Paul Berry @ Unsplash

Write about your dream home.

Decluttering Your Mind

Of all the clutter we can hoard the worst and deadliest is mental clutter.

We carry with us loads of thoughts, misdeeds, insults, wrong givings and grief of the past. We dwell in the misery of the environment thus created and indulge in self pity. We are closed to the world and any happiness it can offer as our mind cup is already full of unworthy thoughts thus keeping no room for positivity to enter. And then we blame ourselves…”why do bad things happen to me? Why me?”

A person full of his thoughts and misery is a very bad company for others as he only laments about his life, his short comings and his failures and then wonders why does he not have any friends.

All of us are prone to ups and downs in life. Some are unlucky enough to suffer more than others, however holding on to them ties us down. We need to let go of the past and make room in our minds and hearts for happiness to enter. It will not only uplift us but also provide inspiration to others.

So, regularly declutter your mind of useless thoughts by use of meditation, discrimination, courage, wisdom and living in the present moment.

Updated in response to photo prompt WDYS#224

Image credit; Suefeldberg

Where can you reduce clutter in your life?

Image from:


The still waters

Reflecting passing emotions

The busy aquatic life

Parallels the busybody mind

The fauna deep and grounded

Mirroring the eternal reality

The ripples on the surface

An expression of the timed journey

The ecosystem of the lagoon

Descriptive of our battles within

In response to dVerse


The one born to a womb of a mother
Ought to die one day
As the soul moves from one form to another

The universe weaves it’s massive web
Creating deep bonds and ties for
The one born to a womb of a mother

Passing through the agony of birth
The untruth of life and truth of death
The soul moves from one form to another

Carrying with it the fruits of actions, inactions
Setting the stage for yet another entrance for
The one born to the womb of a mother

Womb after womb, life after life
The cycle continues endlessly 
The soul moves from one form to another

Unless a divine intervention
Breaks the loop and sets free the chains of
The one born to the womb of a mother
The soul moves from one form to another

In response to W3Prompt#87- Villanelle

Image from Google

The Guiding Force

Describe a man who has positively impacted your life.

My Guru is a person that has impacted my life and transformed it from boring and mundane to exciting and joyful.

Life is to be lived fully and not wasted on unnecessary dwellings of the past or anxiety of the future, about which nothing can be done, thus leading to loss of the present that is in our hands. A spiritual guru guides and nurtures our way of life making it more meaningful and wholesome.

Please read This post from my archives for more elaboration on the same.

Image from Google


What do I see?
Is it the reality or
An illusion daring me to disbelieve it?
Do I have the means to thwart it
Or do i have to face my fears and walk in?

Should I believe whatever my senses perceive
Or is there something more to what I can see?
In this world of duality
What is the singular reality?

In response to #Whatdoyousee


#weekly prompt weekend challenge-single

Baked to Perfection

The clay pot..
subject to kneading, moulding and heat
Baked to perfection from soil to a receptacle of earthly beauty

The diamonds..
Subject to intense pressure and heat
Dazzling their way into precious commodities

The human...
Passing through challenges and difficulties
To become an awesome personality

Happiness and sorrow
Are the two extremes
That mould us to become
Dazzling perfectly Baked human beings

In response to #SoCS- bake