Jallianwala Bagh

13 April 1919

A black day in Indian history

Silent protestors men, women, children

Massacred mercilessly

Around 1500 killed and injured in a closed courtyard

Colonel Dyer, the butcher of Amritsar

Opened fire with his battalion

Not one spared or fled

The walls still bear evidence

To this brutal act

But the most painful of all is that

The victims were Indians and so were the hands that fired

It’s time to take a learning from history

Be united against divisive forces

As with all our differences and skills

We make a formidable force

And let’s promise ourselves

Never ever again to allow

A repeat of Jallianwala Bagh tragedy

and the horrors of history

Jai Hind!

Image from google

To a Brighter Future

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

ने मजसी ने परत मातृभूमीला सागरा प्राण तळमळला

O ocean take me back to my motherland, my soul is in pain.

This is a line from a very heart wrenching emotional marathi poem written by freedom fighter Shri Veer Sawarkar while in captivity which still brings tears to one’s eyes.

Such was the love for motherland of our ancestors and freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Sardar Patel, Tilak and many many more that they have borne unimaginable torture and sacrificed their lives for the glory of this country.

As rightful successors of the land we need to carry on their legacy. We need to contribute to the development of the country in whatever miniscule way possible so that our future generations can lead a better life than us. We need to impart the knowledge and cultural values to the next of kin. We are a country in which almost every individual is multilingual, is capable of multi-tasking and creating opportunities and the masters of ‘jugaad’. We should be able to pass on these skills to our children and not lose them in the name of development. Our traditions are unique and our own which can only be transmitted by us to our children, if not it will be lost forever.

Hence as children of the land and as service to our motherland we should be proud of our rich cultural heritage and wherever in the world we choose to be we need to strive to make this world better and more hospitable.

The next generation will remember us by the legacy we leave for them. Hence it’s time to choose wisely. Let’s vow to make the future brighter and better.

Image source

A Blessing

Guru Govind do Khade
Khake Laago pai
Balihaari guru Aapni
Jin Govin Diyo battha

Both Guru and Govind (God) are present
Who shall I bow down to?
I will choose to bow down to my Guru
Who helped me realize God

Source isha yoga website

Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met?

My Guru. Guru is the person who teaches you the way of living life in a spiritual way. He guides and nurtures you at every step. You may not see him but he is always with you.

Spiritual Teacher is the one who makes you realise your good, bad and ugly qualities and guides you on the path of righteousness and inner well being.

He may guide you in many forms like your parents, colleagues or even strangers imparting life lessons, sum total of which makes our life. His presence makes you feel loved and cared for. This gives you confidence and motivation to overcome obstacles and chart your path on the tapestry of life.

In vedantic teachings a spiritual teacher is given a position equal to if not higher than God himself and rightly so, as only a teacher can open the doors to knowledge of the ultimate consciousness. He alone can help you to find yourself and experience the divinity within all living beings.

Meeting your spiritual guru is a blessing and I wish all of you a blessed life.

Image source

Bharat- A Beauty in Chaos

India or Bharat has always been a country of spiritual seekers. Many modern discoveries were already known to ancient Indian scholars. Right from discoveries of zero (aryabhatta), surgical procedures (sushruta), complex Mathematics (Ramanujan), discovery of electricity (Rishi agasthya), aeroplanes (vimanas) are just a few examples.

However many find the Indian lifestyle erratic and full of chaos. The loud roads, the worship of nature and it’s elements, the cowdung houses etc. But they fail to understand that it is that chaos what gives beauty and colour to the nation. Or it could just mean that what is chaos to one could be a systematic process to another. There is increasing scientific evidence to the benefits of the practices adopted by the ancient people of the country.

Whatever you may label it but it is irrefutably the binding force holding together the gems of different cultures, traditions, ethnicity and differences to form a colourful garland comprising all colours and shapes. Providing a source of inspiration to the artists ,scientists and scholars, making it an unparalleled beauty amidst the chaos.

Reena’s Xploration Challenge #304