The Bhagwad Gita

What book could you read over and over again?

The Bhawad Gita is aptly described as the “Song of the Lord.” Written by Maharishi Ved Vyas and a scripture ascribing to the sanatan dharma of Bharat, it is a complete work imparting the way of life. The most amazing aspect is that all people can resonate with its contents. Be it a seeker on the path of spirituality or an advanced devotee or renunciant, everyone can draw knowledge and inspiration from the book and apply it’s teaching in day to day life.

Personally, every time I read the Gita, I discover new insights and understanding. This is a scripture that I would definitely read over and over again.

2 thoughts on “The Bhagwad Gita

  1. Dera Saroj,

    Your appreciation for the Bhagavad Gita is evident, and it’s clear that you hold it in high regard for its timeless wisdom and universal relevance. It’s remarkable how this ancient scripture continues to offer fresh insights with each reading, making it a source of perpetual inspiration and guidance for seekers of all paths. Your dedication to revisiting its teachings speaks to the profound impact it has on your spiritual journey. Thanks for sharing πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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    1. Thank you Krishna. You completely resonate with my thoughts on the bhagavad gita. Yes, it has greatly inspired me in my spiritual journey as well as the way I respond to day to day activities.πŸ™πŸ’

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