The Blue Streak

The little one asked his dad. “Why are we different daddy? Everybody in school teases me and makes fun of me. I don’t want to be different. “

His father looked at him and said. ” yes, we are different and although we don’t blend with the rest we are uniquely important too. Each one has unique qualiities and abilities which help him survive. We only need to look within ourselves and discover them. Being different means our our presence may trigger good or bad outcomes but we can never be ignored. Son, please contemplate on what we have discussed and stand up for yourself. Life will always put you in impossible situations but only your will power and actions will get you out of them. Being different was not a choice we made but now that we are here lets make the best of it.”

In response to CCC#265

And #weekly prompt weekend challenge- contemplate

One step closer

What positive events have taken place in your life over the past year?

Life is full of ups and downs. What is positive for one may not be perceived similarly by another. And then again we have the habit of putting every thing into closed boxes, good and bad, right and wrong ,positive and negative.

But can the negative be a veiled positive or a blessing in disguise? When we look back in our past we realise that all the challenges we faced actually made us stronger and more capable.

Trust in yourself and divinity are the only things you need to overcome your problems. As the saying goes, you are never given more than you can handle.

So instead of whining in misery and self pity get up and take a step towards happiness each small step forward is one step closer to getting over your challenges.

As the year nears a close let us honour the circumstances that have moulded us into who we are today.

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The Mother in Law

She keeps pushing my buttons and testing my limits I cant take it anymore, who does she think she is?

The cries of the baby invaded her thoughts bringing her back to reality. By the time she got to the baby, her mother in law was already holding her and both smiling at each other during the diaper change.

The scene shifted something inside her and she thought to herself, afterall she is not that bad, she takes care of the baby and household chores without complaining and also makes an extra cup of tea for me.

Surely we lock horns more often but instead of getting annoyed why don’t I try to accept her as it is, with all her faults and goodness, ignore the barbed comments and maybe she could also accept me someday!

With a firm resolution in her mind she set out to put it to work.

In response to Six Sentence Story – prompt word #limit

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The Witness

What is one thing you would change about yourself?

We need to change our attitude towards life. Learn to live life fully and unthrotled. Free from all anxiety, stress and confusions. Experiencing life as part of a cosmic play. Different emotions as part of its spectrum of characters and the ever changing time a sign of impermanence of any situation.

We need to realise that amongst all this there is one within us that never changes, never ages and is never entangled. Finding the one bearing witness to all our desires and emotions will lead us to the path of happiness and freedom

Image source

Do not forget to wear…

What are your two favorite things to wear?

Life is a curveball of immense possibilities and irrespective of what you wear it is incomplete without confidence and a smile.

We may be wearing the latest fashion or hand me down clothes, our accessories may be branded, repurposed or absent, our make up may be pristine or missing yet a smile is what adds charm to your personality.

Keeping your smile unwavering during trying situations is difficult but is responsible for making you happy. Afterall life is meant to be lived in happiness and not sorrow and misery. Sorrow will come and go but our smile has to be our companion throughout the journey.

Confidence is what propels us forward. Lack of confidence will lead to stagnation, regret and disappointment due to lack of trying. We will forever be stuck in the cycle of “what if ?”

Although confidence is a driving force a proper research on the field you plan to venture is necessary or else over confidence will get you deeper in the pit.

Similarly inflated ego can destroy our relationships and our heart. Hence it is a double edged sword which needed to be used carefully.

In conclusion what ever you wear and wherever you go do not forget to wear your confidence and smile and you will realise that life will be a refreshing change from the routine.

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Balance Sheet of Life

As another year passes by
And curtains draw to a close
And we reflect on the year that has just fled and wonder
How many more do we have in store?

How many times did we err?
Or how many times we experienced joy?
How many days did we actually live
Or did we just let life pass by?

Did we achieve our goals?
Or were the resolutions set to be broken?
Did we build bridges or burn them?
Have we kept a score?

And before the grand finale of our life draws to a close
And before the last performance of the show
Let us know the balance sheet of our life
Let us right the wrongs
Before we go

In response to#weekly prompts weekend challange finale

Diamonds in the Making

What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Why?

We all make pretty tough decisions time to time and it is difficult to pin point which one was the toughest. At that point in time it is the only thing that circles in our head over and over again. But once that moment passes it brings a relief. Yet a new situation soon arises that needs our attention, focus and energy quite like the previous one.

This is a never ending cycle that shapes our lives. These decisions decide who we are and what we become. It makes us experience all the feelings of frustration, despair, helplessness and even depression but once it’s over it brings about satisfaction, relief,joy and happiness.

We are a collective of all the decisions we have made. Irrespective of whether the outcomes were good or bad we need to own our decisions. Just as a diamond is made under intense pressure we are also moulded into our personalities through such trying situations.

So let us get out there and live up to the expectations and make our selves resilient, strong and determined. Let’s take up the challenge and become the diamonds we truly are!

Image from here

Festivities and Celebrations

Do you or your family make any special dishes for the holidays?

In India every few days there is a celebration. the yogic culture celebrates many natural phenomenon during which the spiritual energy is thought to be the most perceptible. Most full moon days, ekadashi, navratri (devi navratri, shri ram navratri, vital navratri etc.), shivaratri, sankashti, etc are auspicious and are celebrated with great fervour in different parts of the country.

Most of these celebrations involve fasting, chanting and meditation followed by breaking the fast over temple prasadam. Many stories revolve around the significance and importance of these events. Moreover, every temple has similar special events throughout the year.

These festivities were organised by our ancestors on deep knowledge of science and the influence of the moon on the earth. It was also a way to keep everyone motivated and bring people together for celebrations via bhajans, Kirtans, folk music, classical dances, dramas etc. It was created in such a way that almost all days were festive.

This was important as it kept people healthy by way of fasting, meditation and eating healthy food made in the temple premises by the community themselves. This also provided opportunities to people to learn and teach art forms, thus piquing the creativity of the community and immersing them in a positive environment.

Moreover this system ensured socialization, personal growth and development, a healthy body and mind as well as spiritual upliftment making every day of life a celebration.

Image- Diwali celebrations in Ayodhya sourced from google

Let it Go

Name your top three pet peeves.

Those who are not a source of annoyance to anyone and who in turn are not agitated by anyone, who are equal in pleasure and pain, and free from fear and anxiety, such devotees of Mine are very dear to Me

Bhagwad Gita ch12, verse15

Annoyance is a emotion born out of ignorance of the mind. We are so busy riding the chariot of our mind that we do not stop to understand what the other person maybe going through or we are not magnanimous enough to forgive and forget and move on.

We carry the emotions with us thus creating unrest in our minds. Just a small insignificant incident is enough to ruin our day. I agree there could be major challenges or jealous individuals around that try to demotivate us and make us angry. However if we just think of them as individuals who have a problem and let go of the event without hurting ourselves we have already taken control of the situation. We can then choose to respond as necessary with a calm mind and not just react at the spur of the moment.

I don’t mean to say that insults and humiliation should be tolerated , I only mean that we need to respond in a way that will not affect our minds and lead to peeves to carry around in our heads all day long.

Image from google

Bhagwad Gita quote

Be a lighthouse!

The one to light a path in the darkness of the night

Be the one to touch a heart in the darkness of the minds

Shed a light on the passing ships

And realise relationships are transitory

Waves of the ocean deep

A reminder of the time ticking by constantly

Standing tall, a solitary existence

A reminder of a life of your own making

Unwavered by tides and storms

Just like your inner existence…blissful peace

Be a lighthouse… show the way

Hurdles are just a momentary play

Understand life is bigger than the tides of challenges

The journey of life is solitary

Be the one and stand up tall

Let your light illuminate

Every being that crosses your route

Life is too short to wollow

Rise up and feel the bliss within…

In response toWhat do you see#214